Friday, 2 December 2011


hye..assalamualaikum..da lame hamba tidak berblog kan?

rindu giler ase!mujor ku tidak gila saja!so hari ni nak try test cuba taip sal first week kat PALAM....hehehehhehe..
#actually skunk da masukl second week suda..

ade byak bda menarik n burok tau..

1-azam aq sem bru ni....kurangkan maen FB...n u know what!it's actually working!i mean..yeay!aq mmg da bole kurangkan..hehehhehehhe...
#tp still bkak even off chatbox..-_-"

2-aq da bole tegor manusia...12/2<--tarikh ni aq start tegor sem y aq knal n y mane aq jumpe jewla....*selame ni ko tegor haiwan je ke?kejadah..

  aq da tak kekok nak tegor org....besenye aq senyum jep..tapi senyum n siap angkat tgn lagi...sampe kan org y aq xbape nk rapat pun aq bole agkat's actually easy!yup..exactly...sng giler..just kene buat2 hensem  tak malu ckit laaa..(aq mmg xtau malu pon kan..-_-").+muke toya...+perasaan selamba..-_-'
#kire oklaaa dr aq senyum then xdek org reply...ase cam senyum kat tunggul jep...^-^

3-aq da xnak minat sape-sape sem ni..-_-"
#seriously weyh!aq asyik berhrap benda tu xkan am i...i'm no one!

4-hurmmm...what's wrong with my friends?i think a few of them change a lot...or it's my fault...they kinda don't want to hangout with me...n aq cam blurrrrrrrrrr...that's so not cool!grr....please la faham y aq ade hati n jiwa raga yang nurani lagi suci..*sucila sgt kan..:p
#kejadahkan aq nak emo2..hahahahha..:p

ok...tu jekot..y laen...xperlu nak citer....hehehheheh..

BTW...happy decmber...<---ok rekaan aq semata2!*nak sambut ape kan blan ni?christmas jewla....and aq still bengang coz sale melambak xbole nak kuarkan duet..-_-"