Thursday, 22 November 2012

Movies that I Crazy About


Movies y hangat hangit belom hangus di cinema skunk ialah Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II. Perfect Pitch. The Rise Of Guardians( Tomorrow). Erghhhh! Tapi malangnya aku tak boleh tengok. Minggu y sangat busy. Stress nya bila orang update status pasal movies ni. "twilight part two paling best"     "pitch perfect is the best song musical movie ever"       "na na na come on" Jealous nya! Untunglaa! By hook or by crook! Aku akan cuba cari masa utk tengok Rise of Guardians.! Y ni aku wajib tengok!


Pitch Perfect

Rise Of Guardians


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Busy Life Means Stresses!


What a stressed week. Exam, Tarian, Paperwork, Program Faculty. SHIT! Penat giler! Tau busy bole pulak update blog ni kan? hehehehe. Ok firstly aku nak cakap apa y aku busy. Start with papaerwork. Aku jd Penolong Pengarah Projek for MyOpkim2012 Kolej Ungku Omar kat Tambun Tulang,Arau, Perlis pada 13,14,15,16 / 12 ni. Sangat banyak benda nak kena buat, but Alhamdulillah, started from yesterday, I've gave all my job to my "anak buah" . Hahahahha. Kejam? Tklah. kira baikla ni. Kasi peluang kat dyeorg buat kerja, so takdekla dyeorg goyang kaki dapat join free. hehehe.

                              Banner & juga baju OPKIM. *lawakan baju tu? hehehhee.

 Second, program faculty, y ni cam *&&^%#&*@!**!^. Aku buat kerja tapi bole pulak ada y kutuk belakang kata aku takbuat kerja. Plus, aku post kebajikan je kot. KEBAJIKAN! nothing much to do. NO! I mean, for the meantime, takdek keje lagi. sampai program start bru la ade keje. Y ni kami akn buat program Interaksi Bersama Anak-anak yatim dkat Kajang. Apa y plg seronok ttg ni? Aku berjaya buat street marketing. On the first try, malu plus taktau nak mintak sumbangan camne. On the second day kat Hentian Kajang, aku dpat RM133. Alhamdulillah, dpt jugak backup kan kewangan sikit. Ha! Btw, UKM tak kasi peruntukan satu sen pon kat program kami. Sebab? UKM dah habes duit. LOL! Where's the money all gone?  *OMEnglish! 

Third, Exam. Midsem exam actually. Hehehehe. Chemistry on this saturday morning and Microbio on this wednesday. Wish & pray me all the best GUYS!Really need that!

Tarian pulak. WUHUUUUU! First festival I join. UKM International Drums Festival. I repeat. INTERNATIONAL!Hahahahha. I'm proud of myself. Alhamdulillah. Festival ni on 22nd - 24th November. Hehehehhe. Wish me luck for this too! *Sakit belakang & kaki for this time. Erghhhh*

                                        Layan Mike Thomskin Jap. Hehehehhe.


Monday, 5 November 2012


Crush? Apa tu?

Crush bila ditranslatekan ke bahasa melayu bermaksud "hancurkan" *eh ttibe . hehehhee. Taklaa. Crush ialah perasaan cinta yang dialami secara sementara. Cinta pandang pertama? Bolelaaa. Tapi benda ni boleh byk kali berlaku kat kita tapi akan orang yang berbeza-beza. Contoh, crush saya perempuan A dlm masa yang sama, kawan disebelahnya pon crush saya. Ini bukan Playboy tau. Tapi ini d namakan perasaan  seorang remaja. Well, It's normal dude.! 

Crush could grow into true love. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit.Hantam sajala.  Dari crush bole jadi cinta sebenar IF! you have confessed to him/her. But kalao kena friendzoned. PADAN MUKA la kan! Hehehehhe. Thats why if I had a crush, i will keep it silence. So, if u're asking me, do I have a crush at UKM, the answer is NO. yet inside yes, of course there will be, it's either on FB or in real life. In real life my crush is a chinese, so CUTE! In FB & Real Life , namanya SS! super cute!hehehehhe.Ok, thats already too much! hehehehhe.


SkyFall is EPIC!Epic kew?


Cerita ni bagi aku awesome! Tak? Lantakla! Nak jugak! Nak jugak! *ke awesome sebab ada orang belanja tiket.? *opss! hehehehhe

Aku paling suka part James Bond "mati sekejap". I mean, BANG! A blow direct to the right shoulders! Epic more, falling down from a train down through a waterfall! Yet Still alive! Awesome right! But after that sex scenes. Erghhh! Habeh ilmu Bio aku. Padahal suka . Paling aku seram sejuk. Part Gay si penjahat and Bond. Hahahahahhaha. LOL! I was thinking foawhile, the character is supposed to be gay or what? MOTIF?

Paling syok! Abg zaidi cakap nak jadi the next james bond & kak Komate jadi the next Miss Moneypenny. Hahahahaha. I even can't imagine that happenned. If it is, next shoot will be at UKM. Wow! Mantap lah UKM time tu. FAMOUS AMOUS! hehehehhe.



Nyway, thanks abg zaidi, kak komate & kak Ummah sudi ajak saya tengok wayang. Huhuhuhuhu.

( Not to mention, kami balik pukol 4 a.m and I've skipped 2 classes. DAMN! )


I Haven't Met You Yet!

OMG! I didn't even realised this song is awesome! Stunned because of his voice.


I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down

I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility

And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life

And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility

And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united

And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility

And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get

Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet

I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get

I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
(I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, love
Love, love
I just haven't met you yet

This song is meaningful! Like seriously. I just haven't met you yet my love. "I know that we can be so amazing". * Perggghhh. omputeh engkau!  hehehehhe

Post ni jiwang sekejap. Yeala. Orang single hanya mampu berangan bercinta. Forever Alone! *eh.


Friday, 28 September 2012

Universiti Ku Mantap (UKM)

 02/09/2012,Kolej Ungku Omar,UKM Bangi (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia okeh!) - Hari ni aku mendapat nama sbg student UKM. Excited,Sedih,Risau. Time tu semua perasaan ada. Meh nak citer kenapa ada banyak perasaan time tu. Taknak?Kena jugak ...hehehehhehe..OK First,Excited sbb masuk UKM + dpt kenal org & tempat baru, Sedih sbb nak tglkan waktu kosong y sebelom ni aku enjoy tak ingat dunia *ok tipu, pdahal tido 24 jam* , Risau sbb  ujian y akan aku tempuh dekat UKM ni. *termasuk ujian atas kertas. hehehehhe.

MMP(Minggu Mesra Pelajar) - WTF *What The Fish bukan What The F#&$ okeh!, hehehhehe. Nak tau knape tetibe aku tulis benda alah tu? SEBAB aku dipilih sbg penghulu first year kolej Ungku Omar. Like, OMG! tangan ke dada, mata ke atas.   Ni gara2 aku aktif berfacebook dekat group K.Ungku Omar.. *hello, bukan salah aku, salahkan surat UKM y dtg tak bgtau secara details *fine!Aku y salah sbb komen bukan2 kat post abg2 & akak2 ni . (^-^)    

Tapi sgt best!! Best giler! Best bapak! eh silap. Bapak Best! Banyak y aku belajar, selama ni aku tak pena lead a group buat cheers & aku tak pena belajar menari. Tapi kat sini, I made it! *sambil berdiri cekak pinggang atas bukit.* I didn't expect, aku boleh menari. Inang lagi kau! GRRRRAAAANDDDD! *Persoalan : Kenapa Aku mcam GEDIK giler entry kali ni?WHY?WHY?

Malam Percikan Seni : Aku dipaksa rela masuk tarian, mencuba benda baru kan. On jela. Kami practice dlm masa beberapa hari jep. MANTAP tak kami?hehehehe. Alhamdulillah, semua buat dgn baek tapi rezeki tak berpihak kpd kami. Nak buat cane, setiap pertandingan ada menang & kalahnya kan?kan?kan? Tapi AKU BANGGA dengan BATCH aku, sebab for the first time in UO's history, kami menang Perang Dectar! *bukan aku y lead, orang laen. Huntunglaaaa~!

                                    Nyanyi lagu "Varsiti Kita" muke ngantok jep semua! hahahaha

                                               Jaji usha pakwe ke?hehehehhe *just kidding

                                Kumpulan Nasyid; berduet lagik! *y belakang tu sah giler gambar! ^-^

                                            Bapok Itik Tok we Mandi Dalam Kolam ^-^

                                 Abg Zubir & Abg Chan *satu Malaysia ke satu KUO tu? LOL!

                    JAKSA2 & PC2  y sporting & super cool! *tula bukti kami menang! hohohoho.

                                               Eh2!Teater ke tarian ni?

Da habes pasal MMP, aku teruskan bergiat dgn tarian bagi Hari Malaysia *jadi minat pulak. hehehehe* . Time ni just pegang bendera, pusing2, lompat, gerak depan dua langkah, belakang dua langkah, dah habes! BORING! But I'm expecting more for convo y akan dtg ni. hehehehhe. hope gempak!

Pilihanraya Kampus (PRK) - Aspirasi & GMUKM. Malam sebelom PRK ni, aku dgn sorang lagi member aku kena mercun. Do i deserved that? Yess, mungkin Allah nak hapuskan dosa2 kecil aku hari tu *Perghhh. positif giler! hahahahhaha.   Tak kesahla, benda nak jadi. Semoga Tuhan memberkati hidup org y baling mercun kat aku tu. Selebihnya, lantak kola. Setel sdri dgn Tuhan. Aspirasi - "Belajar Lebih Baik" *eh terpolitik pulak . hehehehhe.


OK, Rasanya tu jekot. Sebab kalo sambung panjang lagi, konpem korunk tidokan? kan?kan?kan?


It's Glee Guys!

Hello Gleeks!

                                                 New Season of Glee is coming Back.!

 What I'm gonna say bout this season is one word! Gleawesome!We have new guys and girls!
                                  Hopefully , there will be new awesome songs! *Duhhh, there will!


Tuesday, 25 September 2012



 1 - Orang yang tidur dalam keadaan bersuci
 2 - Orang yang sedang duduk menunggu waktu solat
 3 - Orang yang berada di saf hadapan ketika solat berjemaah
 4 - Orang yang menyambung saf pada solat berjemaah ( tidak membiarkan kekosongan di dalam saf )
 5 - Kalangan malaikat mengucapkan ‘amin’ ketika seorang imam selesai membaca al-Fatihah.
 6 - Orang yang duduk di tempat solatnya selepas melakukan solat.
 7 - Orang yang melakukan solat Subuh dan Asar secara berjemaah.
 8 - Orang yang mendoakan saudaranya tanpa pengetahuan orang yang didoakan.
 9 - Orang yang membelanjakan harta ke jalan Allah
10 - Orang yang sedang makan sahur.
11 - Orang yang sedang melawat orang sakit

Sunday, 22 January 2012


salam sejahtera semua....

                             SELAMAT TAHUN BARU CINA

hurmm...da lama epul tak update blog ni kan..hehehehhe... (busy)

ok..kali ni..epul nak cerite pasal aktiviti epul minggu ni
#actually aktiviti kelab laen..maen masuk jep..^-^

21 & 22 JANUARY...

kelab khidmat masyarakat adakan satu aktiviti kat rumah anak yatim kat SG.MANGGIS,BANTING..


epul dapat adek angkat....y paling best..dapat dua org...lelaki dan perempuan.. MOHD DZULFADHLI BIN DZULHAKIM & NURADILA..sebelum kami diperkenalkan dgn adik2 kami tu...epul sgt excited...
dan epul kire bertuah sebab dua2 comel cam epul...  #hahahahaha..kidding maaa.. -_-"
mula2 jumpa..akward giler...sebab tak kenal...tapi..Alhamdulillah..dapat jugka tackle hati dzul .. #adila?epul xdpt2...hehehehehe..
dalam satu hari...macam2 kami buat...banyak game..dr pg sampe ptg...y ptg...dyeorg enjoy..y lagi seronok..fasilitator bole join skali nga giler..

                                         meet dzulfadhli(baby)   #da besar misti hensem ^-^

                                                    meet adila  #cute kan...hehehehehe..

baby tu manja giler dgn epul..adila plak..manja dgn kak hani... tp bagoslaa..epul xmampu nak jage dua2..:)

petang plak kami maen air..hehehehe... #rasenye..pakcik kat depan umah anak yatim tu marah kami kot..sebab kami gune air dye..hahahahhaa

mmg seronok spend masa dgn dyeorg..dyeorg sgt2 sporting..:')

Alhamdulillah juga bagi y masih ada mak dan ayah dan berkemampuan..:)

                 baby di hati abg epul...   p/s : blaja rajin2 tau baby...jgn gado2 dgn boboi da.. ^-^

Done..for the first day....hari kedua..nanti update k..:)

gambar berterabur..hehehhehe